Publication channel search

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Please note. This page will be closed on August 30, 2024. More information:

Search for journals, series, conferences and book publishers that have a Publication Forum rating.

  • The classification has three levels: 1 = basic; 2 = leading; 3 = top.
  • Other identified publication channels which have not received level 1 rating are marked with 0.
  • If there is no marking, the publication channel in question is under evaluation, and yet without a rating.
  • NOTE! 3,000 conferences removed from database in January 2017: Conferences removed from the database

    Here you can download the entire list of all publication channels or separate lists of journals/serials, conferences and book publishers.

    You can also download the results of your search using the function below.


    The name of the journal, publication series or the book publisher. You may enter the whole name to search for a specific publication channel, or use a specific search term, in which case you will find all titles in which the term appears.
    Abbreviation of conference:
    Abbreviation of conference or part of it.
    ISSN/ISBN/Jufo ID:

    ISSN-code or ISBN-root or Publication forum indivudual number JufoID. Book publisher ISBN-root build three first part of number (example in code ISBN 978-0-19-454126-8 root is 978-0-19).
    Publication Forum level:

    level = You can search for publication channels rated on a certain level or leave the boxes blank in which case the query retrieves all relevant publication channels regardless of level.
    Publication Channel Type:

    Serials include journals and some monographic series. In general, conferences are listed according to the established name of the conference (event) and the publication type is “Conference”.
    MinEdu field:
    Categories of scientific fields used by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Journals’ scientific fields have been defined by combining Web of Science and Scopus classifications, as well as those used in the Norwegian and Danish rating systems and the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH).
    Information available for serials only. Use option “multiple languages” for serials that publish in more than one language.
    Country of publications:
    Information mainly available for journals/series and book publishers, not for conferences.
    Open access:

    Color codes indicate publisher's archiving policies. Green: can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF;
    can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF;
    can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing);
    archiving not formally supported.
    Journal is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
    Web of Science field:
    Definition of journal’s scientific field in Thomson Reuters’ Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Art & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).
    Scopus field:
    Definition of journal’s scientific field in Elsevier’s Scopus database.
    Extend search to publication channels that are no longer in operation
    Abbreviation of conference:
    ISSN/ISBN/Jufo ID:
    Publication Forum Level: Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
    Level 0 Not Evaluated
    Publication Channel Type:
    Open access:
    Sherpa\Romeo Green Blue Yellow White
    Country of publication:
    MinEdu field:

    Web of Science field:
    Scopus field:
    Include inactive:
    Download Results in Excel Format